Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year Resolutions

Last night was so much fun. I met my boyfriend's buddies from college to celebrate the new year... talk about walking into a tight nit group of friends. But surprisingly, I did not feel like the outsider. I only realized this morning that I was probably under the microscope. It's okay and to be expected... and I did look great. I was my normal, charming self and won them over. (Big, cheesy grin currently on my face.) Seriously though, there was no reason to be anything but myself. One thing I think about every year is what I want to change in my life- my "New Year's Resolutions." Most women include losing weight somewhere on the list. But let me tell you- this year I have decided to not make any promises to myself that I will not keep. If it were important to me, I would have started when I realized its' importance- not because it is a new year. For example, if I wanted to quit smoking, I would have stopped by now. I do understand it's horrible for my health and an expensive habit, but I derive too much enjoyment from it to reasonable stop and to say that I will simply because it's a new year is a joke. I love my life. I honestly don't like my job very much, but I love my life. I know I have weaknesses and things in my life that need improvement- but overall I am happy. I like myself and can stand behind who I have become. I hope all of you reading can say the same.


Brent Johnson said...

I just realized that I didn't get the eel on Saturday. It's been a New Years tradition for at least 5 years. I can only assume that your presence was to blame. Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Sweets!! I miss you and hope to spend some quality phone time with you soon. I want to speak to you to find all the good detail not by just reading your blog! LOL. ;o)

Miss and Love you
