Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Foul Mood

I am in such a mood that people are saying I look angry. I got to work SO EARLY today that I truly am not approachable. My normally happy-go-lucky nature has been replaced with a Do Not F*%@ with me persona. I take calls and speak with people all day. I feel like I am being short with them and am highly irritated. I don’t care if they are confused about the plan or are out of medication. I don’t care if people are going to “die” if they can’t get this done TODAY. I just want to say, “Plan ahead Idiot.” Of course, no one can tell I feel this way because I am being fake and professional. That is disgusting to me but why let my bad moods carry over into my work and get in trouble? Of course, being in trouble at my company is a joke. You have to practically ask to get fired here. We have many dim-witted employees to prove this fact. Wow. This is insane.


Anonymous said...

Why do you have to take it out on your poor innocent boyfriend all the time? What did he do to you?

Anonymous said...

Tell us wht you REALLY think.....

Anonymous said...

Wow! You were in a foul mood today! You know, no one can be in a great mood all the time, and you're setting yourself up to fail if that's what you expect of yourself. We all have days when we're a bit 'off'... so congratulate yourself on being able to maintain your professional demeanor and being able to take the calls and not show that you really don't care today. All too often I hear people on the phone taking their moods out on innocent callers, and that's not what we get paid for. It's a tribute to your skill at the job that you're able to maintain, no matter what's going on in your personal life or how you feel personally. We could use a bunch more people like you!

Of course, most of us know that you are NOT a morning person.. unless you've had enough notice that you were able to plan a good night's sleep. The job is stressful, and can be irritating... but you do it well and you need to take some pride in that fact. You and I both deal with people who don't or can't do our job well, or just don't care... and I for one refuse to allow that attitude to make me lower my standards. I'm glad that I have a friend like you who feels just the same way.

So... enough wallowing! You miss your folks, it's your first holiday away, and things are a bit strange. Totally normal reaction, Dear. When things are going so well outside of work, it's hard to feel happy to be here.. because we'd much rather be somewhere else enjoying our candlelight dinners!

You're one of the best people I know here in dear old MN, and I'm extremely proud of you and of how well you handle whatever life throws at you. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day with a better mood!