Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Weight Watchers- It’s a Journey

I started Weight Watchers on 01/18/2011 and just completed my second week. I have lost 5.4 lbs which I think it very exciting! Granted, I have a long journey ahead of me before I reach my target goal but I am enjoying this process.

Right now I am focusing on learning. I am learning what will make this a life-change for me and the tricks that will help me to keep the weight off FOREVER. So far I have really enjoying trying Weight Watchers recipes, keeping yummy guilt-free foods in the house, and keeping allies at hand. I have many friends at work who are also doing WW and have experienced success. Seeing their progress is very encouraging. Brent has also proven to be a fantastic ally. He is making better food choices for himself and is 110% supportive of my goals.

For me, it’s about owning where I am right now. It’s about acceptance. I am not a “healthy” person. I have a tremendous amount of weight to lose before I reach my target of 140. I have accepted that may be a few years from now and am okay with that. I want to have another child so reaching the goal may need to wait until after that happens. And no, I am not pregnant!

I want to be around, and healthy, when I am 90 years old. I have so much heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc in my family that I cannot be idle any longer. I am approaching 30. My first goal is to be under 200 pounds by the time I reach my 30th birthday in June.

That is only 12.3 pounds away. I can totally do this!

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