Thursday, April 26, 2007

There is something to be said for a messy bed...

Leaving a bed unmade is like making a statement. It says you haven't quite finished your dream that lasted all night and you want to return to that place of imagination. Perhaps you felt completely comfortable with the sheets hitting your legs just so. You enjoyed it so immensely you struggle starting your day because the pillows and comfort draw you back. The sheets call you by name with their crisp coolness.

When a bed is made, you have to be committed to pulling back the blankets and climbing in. An unmade bed almost begs you to rejoin it.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mondays Tragedy at VT

I stayed three summers on Virginia Tech's campus and my parents still live only 30 minutes away from the college, so when I heard there had been a shooting, my skin crawled. I knew exactly where the shootings took place and was concerned for the well-being of everyone on that campus, and for the families whose lives would be forever changed. There is no way to turn back the past and help a troubled young man to see the error of his ways, but we can learn from this experience as a nation.

Cho Seung-Hui displayed many signs of being disturbed, and dangerous, and yet was still allowed to reside in the dormitories. Several teachers had referred him to counseling to no avail. Someone, anyone, should have cried wolf but people are too afraid to intervene in one another's lives. If we can learn anything from this, it may be to stop being so politically correct and just tell someone they are nuts and need to be committed.

And don't smile while saying it.

It's hard to write regarding what happened on Monday. There are so many emotions involved: sadness, anger, disbelief, blame... but we have to face evil in this world head on and start calling the kettle black.

Celtic Woman: A New Journey

Last night I attended a wonderful concert for Celtic Woman in the Orpheum Theatre here in Minneapolis. I felt my eyes fill with tears as their voices soared in harmony. I went with Brent's mom and we both absolutely loved every moment. Between the percussion, lights, voices, and strings... it was magical. I got home and was hyper, I skipped around the living room telling Brent all about the concert, humming as I flitted about. I told him how the fiddler ran across the stage in silver pumps and was by far the most fun to watch. All of the women are highly talented and I cannot express enough what a truly impressive show it was. They have three albums (to my knowledge) and I have all of them. Go get one and hear for yourself.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Jessica vs the Wii

Easter Weekend

Easter was loads of fun at the Johnson B&B. We went overnight and for the first time, I was not nervous around Brent's family. I felt like I belonged. His family has embraced me and I can tell I have won them over. It's a wonderful feeling especially since I want to become a Johnson one day myself! Brent's niece Jessica is a live wire. Two weeks shy of 10 years old and hyper as can be. We forced her to box four of us in a row to try and get some energy out of her. It didn't work, but the picture of her "Sweat head" was a direct result. Ashley is three weeks old now and absolutely beautiful. The picture is Ashley holding Jessica's hair in one hand and her father's hand in the other. Jessica lives in another state and was meeting her baby cousin for the first time. Between playing the Wii, conversation, and laughter, it was a relaxing holiday weekend. Reminder: Brent's parents do not own and operate a Bed and Breakfast... this is simply how I refer to it!