Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Big News

First thing, I got a promotion! I will be leaving the call center and going to the corporate office starting August 21, 2006. I am very excited. I did get a pay increase, although it was not significant. The main thing is I will no longer be in customer service. My new title is Client Benefit Administration Analyst Tester, quite the mouth full. I have a fuzzy idea of what I will actually be doing but will write more about that later. Another BIG thing is Georgia is thinking about going to South Korea to teach English as a second language for an entire year. She is in the process of obtaining her passport and if the phone interview goes well, she would be leaving to start on October 31, 2006. For truly selfish reasons I do not want her to go. She is my big sister and would not want her out of my reach for that amount of time. Also, they have nuclear weapons in North Korea and that isn't exactly far away! I would worry all the time. She wants to pay off her debt with the money she would earn so you can't fault that... but still. Some other news is that I went to Missouri this past weekend to see Robert and was introduced to the world of ballroom dancing. I loved it. I have never felt so elegant in my life as when I was waltzing. Robert has been taking lessons for the past year and was definitely a strong partner to assist a beginner. I am hoping I can get Brent to take lessons with me here in Minneapolis. We'll see about that one! ;) But the trip was great. We talked so much and just enjoyed the weekend. Things are good right now... that's for sure.

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