Friday, December 28, 2012


It is so odd knowing that there is a 99.8% chance that I will never get pregnant again. My uterus was x-rayed yesterday and the Essure procedure worked 3 months ago. My fallopian tubes are effectively blocked off. That means no more birth control, just enjoyment. I hate birth control pills. I am bad at taking them, the hormones make me gain weight, and the monthly cost/hassle is frustrating. We both hate condoms. Brent wasn’t too keen on the idea of a vasectomy so I agreed to Essure when I heard how easy the procedure is. It is an outpatient procedure and only caused mild cramping. I did have a back ache for about a month after the procedure, but the gynecologist had never heard of that being a side effect. Just figures that I would have that particular issue!

No more babies for us. We have two beautiful children that are loving and bright. The temptation is there to have more children, but in all practicality, I do not want to be out-numbered! There is something to be said for 2 kids and 2 adults! The world is built for a family of four.

I am just wondering if this is how men feel after they get snipped. I have lost some of my womanhood… I can no longer bear children. I didn’t expect that feeling and it is sure to fade.

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