We were told for weeks that our baby girl was ready to come, but alas, Pumpkin was too happy inside her mommy's tummy. A co-worker joked that I must have cable TV and a recliner in there for two kids to have to be induced! I went to my 39 week appointment with Dr. Justesen and after giving me an exam she asked if Monday worked for me. It was a Thursday. I said, "Works for what?" She replied, "To be induced. Does Monday work?" I was thrilled, and it was scheduled for Monday morning. We were told to call first thing in the morning and if there was availability to come on in. I tidied everything up at work and was anxious. Big brother Alex was picked up by Grandma and Grandpa, Marty was being watched by Sydney... we were all set. Monday arrived quickly and both Brent and I were so excited, nervous, and feeling a bit overwhelmed. It was potentially the day to meet our baby girl. We called and were green lighted... so game on! My water was broken by Dr. Justesen at 8:20 AM on June 11, 2012. She was on rounds so we were lucky enough to have her through-out the whole process. At one point, Brent had left the room to go get something from the car and Dr. Justesen asked how I was doing. Something about the tenderness in her voice helped me to release my emotions and I started crying. I was so nervous! The pregrnancy had been so much more difficult that I was worried the birth would be the same way! By 8:49, Petocin was administered to aide in dilation. The contractions started almost immediately, but I was not dilating at a quick rate. When the contractions moved to my back the anesthesiologist was called at 10:44 AM. I remember getting up to go to the bathroom multiple times. I was drinking plenty of water, but that was a lot of bathroom trips and every time I got up more of the amniotic fluid would leak out which really grossed me out. It would have been funny had I not been so uncomfortable! The doctor was busy with a little boy so he could not make it to my room until 11:25. By that time, I was having a really hard time coping with the pain of back to back contractions. Petocin had been stopped to help while we waited for the epidural. By 11:35 AM I was no longer in pain which was awesome. I was able to rest a bit. By noon I was at 9 CM dilated so Dr. Justesen was called. I really wanted to push! I was told to wait until the doctor arrived, but that was proving to be difficult because my body felt so ready. By 12:30 PM the doctor arrived and I was fully dilated at 10 CM. After everyone cleaned up and got ready, I was finally allowed to start pushing. I was able to push 3-4 times with each contraction. I was shocked to hear within minutes Dr. Justesen saying, "She has a full head of hair! It's brown!" I honestly thought she was kidding. How in the world could the baby already be crowning!? Suddenly the room filled with extra people, Pumpkin's heart rate was plummeting with each contraction was was getting dangerously low. The neo-natal nurses were called in to assist if needed and everyone was looking grim. Luckily, I was told about this afterward and didn't even notice, but Brent certainly was aware of the change in atmosphere. When Anna joined this world at 12:50 PM she cried immediately and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. She was healthy, hungry, and all ours. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I had always wanted a daughter named Anna and Therese is Grandma Penny's middle name, combined the name is just as beautiful as the girl herself. She was 20 1/2 inches long and 8 pounds, 12 ounces. Now our baby girl is thriving. She really likes to nurse and snuggle. If she isn't doing one or the other she tends to be upset but we are working on that!
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