Sunday, October 05, 2008

The past

It's strange how one comment on a blog can send you back onto Memory Lane. Someone signed "Jeremy" left a comment on my wedding post and my mind instantly went back to high school and the guy I spent 3 years dating. Without going into detail, he hurt me tremendously and it took 5 years for me to trust someone enough to love them. Brent has shown me that life goes on, and good things come to those who wait. I googled Jeremy and was pleased to see his life now... married with 3 daughters. They look happy and I am grateful for that.

We were never meant to end up together. I was meant to explore the North and fall in love with a Scandinavian hottie. We are truly happy in our marriage and I wish the same for Jeremy.

This picture taken on our honeymoon in June


Anonymous said...

Lydia, I'm sorry for the past, I know how hard it was, trust me! I have no excuses, other then i was young and dumb! I am glad to see that you are so happy, and I wish the best for you and your husband! And it's only 2 daughters by the way ;) Anyways, I hope your good, and I wish nothing but the best for you all!

Lydia Joyce said...

Jeremy- I am good. The past is the past so no worries there. Sorry about the 3 daughters... but your two daugthers are beautiful. Say hi to your family for me!