Saturday, December 16, 2006


This morning a 3 year old asked me to bless the food we were about to eat. I couldn't refuse but at the same time color rose to my face. I haven't prayed in quite some time so doing it aloud and in front of a family caused some anxiety inside of me. As I started to pray the familiarity of the act took over me and calmed me. It felt good. I know that God will bless this family as they head to a Tennessee to start a new life, and I felt confident in the fact that God heard my prayer because it was about a God-fearing family. It felt safe to pray for others. I don't have enough faith left anymore to pray for myself. I've found that it's easier to just live my life, and I am much happier not being governed by fear and the judgment of others. Faith is a wonderful, blessed thing... and God exists. I have no doubt of that. But I prefer living as I am, and have been content in that choice.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Hey there!! Long time no hear!! It's good to have a picture of Brent up espeically since I haven't had a chance to go up and meet him.

On this topic of praying, I know that you know how I feel about this. But, I thought I'd share with you my thoughts on this particular topic. As much as I believe in living a life that has meaning in it today not for the dogma of some "unforseen after life", I have recently taken up praying every once in a while for those people in which I wish good blessings upon. It's calming to know that my thoughts and good will wishes are put out there in the universe for "God" to hear. Just my thoughts. :) Miss ya!!