Sunday, May 24, 2009

Marley and Me

I have not seen such a touching movie in quite a while. There were times when I felt like I needed to stop watching just to stop and appreciate life. Just take a moment...
If you have not read the book or watched the movie and plan to- you should stop reading now. I knew from others that Marley dies at the end of the movie but once you see how much this dog affects the lives of its owners you start to understand just how difficult for their family that must have been.
We are first introduced to the "Worst Dog Ever." Just getting a puppy last March, I get how difficult it is to go through the potty training and teething. But Marley is something altogether different than what Brent and I experienced! He is a terrible dog that cannot be trusted with, well, anything! But the pure love he has for John and Jenny makes up for any hardship he causes them. There are several moments of pure warmth that are shared between man and dog- John comes home from work and sees his lovely wife dancing with Marley. The couple loses their first child and Jenny sits on the sofa not expressing any feeling at all, in shock. Marley comes and rests his head on her knee as if to say, "I understand. I love you. I am here for you." She is finally able to cry over the loss of her child.
My husband and I love our dog Marty so much that watching a family lose their pet was hard on both of us. We are very excited to have Mr. Peanut and have him grow up with such an awesome companion. It was very touching when the Grogans brought home their first baby Patrick and John sits and asks Marley not to freak out... because then maybe he won't either. Just so many moments to enjoy, share, and learn from.
We love our little Marty Bear and watching this movie makes me cherish him even more.

Click here for more information on the movie.